Be Inspired. Animation is not a lazy bird's catch. It demands your passion and a lot of hard work and you need to be patient. There are days in every animator's(every artist's) when they doubt themselves, when it seems too much to do and you say to yourself,"I'm a loser, How will I do this. You feel like quitting and doing something else. HANG IN THERE buddy!!! It'll pass. You need to stay inspired, do what you love doing, anything!! Watch movies and promise yourself to achieve that quality, hang out with friends, look at some great work, read about the great people in history, anything, maybe you can look at your own shots from sometime back. and get back to what you have to do, you'll get there. You need to love this stuff if you want to be great at it.and the biggest thing... don't be afraid to try new things and learn new things.
The only way you can breathe life in a character is by having one yourself.